Monday 9 May 2011


Old Lady

I came to an interesting conclusion today. It was a real eureka moment - and I ashamedly admit I have few each year, so I shall draw attention to this momentous occasion!

I have been waiting, waiting for life and the universe to take me seriously. When I was 12 I thought, 'when I turn 16 and I'm in the fifth year, then people will start to take me seriously.'
Then when I hit 16, nothing changed, so I thought, 'when I'm 18 and a legal adult, then people will take me seriously. But alas the 18th birthday came and went, and I was still treated like a child.

This pattern went on, I am now 25, married and with child, and I am still waiting.
I have spent my life waiting for the day when the world would stop and look at me and announce, 'Charlie Francis-Pape, you are now a adult, we officially take you seriously, go in peace!'

Today I saw a little old lady being treated like a child by the townsfolk. I realised that she is not taken seriously. I then realised that not only is she not taken seriously but she has no expectant day in the future when she hopefully will be taken seriously - she will only get older and more senile.

Then it dawned on me, this day that I have be so waiting, is a myth, fiction, simply a child-like dream.

So in essence, I shall be thankful for my age and youth, thankful for the fact that I can still touch my toes and can walk without the need for a zimmer-frame.

Just a thought!